Wednesday, January 7, 2009

"wait for me"

Well day 4 and i'm still going strong! I'm not being as strict as last time because I'm using a different book (the yeast connection handbook) so

The sugar/carb cravings just ARE NOT going away, so I've really had to go into this slowly. This sugar substitute called Z Sweet is still a fruit sugar but 10,000 times better than real sugar and it's natural. They have a peanut butter cookie recipe that is just PB, an egg and Z Sweet. Those little buggers have really gotten me through. I am still definitely no wheat/gluten, any type of sugar, no dairy, but I'm just trying to

I've also been eating bits of rice, which is ok but usually not supposed to be around in the first few weeks. I feel as though I'm starving myself even though I'm eating tons of veggies and protein. This fucking Candida is rearing it's ugly head and I'm having to beat it back down with a baseball bat.

My appetite has also vanished somewhat, which is so good! The past few weeks I always felt hungry and when I did i got terrible shakes and nausea, which hasn't happened one bit. My digestive system is also doing great! Exercise has been minimal but at least it's something.

Music: Slow Blues Mix

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