Friday, January 2, 2009

uphill battle

Today seemed like the longest day of my life, and I don't know why! Work was crazy-busy and food choices were dismal because I simply haven't had time to prepare. It's frustrating, I'm not going to lie! Doing this crazy Candida Food Cleanse is incredibly time consuming and the #1 absolute most imporant thing is to BE PREPARED. When you can't eat fruit, wheat, gluten, starches, dairy and any type of sugar it's near impossible to eat food that you didn't make! I'm off tomorrow so I will be spending the day reading, cleaning, preparing and getting rid of every single cookie within a 10 mile radius! If anyone wants some, hollah. I don't like to waste food.

I spent the evening with Madeleine. I think she's officially my mentor now, whatever that words means anymore. She's my favorite person to pow wow with about alternative everything - food, diets, health, medicine, ideas. I think we are trying to make a way for all those people who simply just don't know. I am lucky to know her and call her a friend!

Good news for today: I exercised!!! No, it's not a typo. I actually exercised for a whole HOUR! For any of you naysayers that think something called Yoga Booty Ballet is the dumbest thing you've ever heard - just try it. You'll change your mind. My body is so incredibly happy and really hopes that I do it again tomorrow. Methinks I will attempt it.

Current book: "The Yeast Connection" (You need to read it. You don't even know!)


  1. Emily and I are doing a complete body cleansing program from GNC. It's day 2 out of 7. Good luck with yours! Oh, and it's January, so let's hang out already!

    -Lauren P.

  2. How long have you been doing the Candida Diet? Libby, Arlene and I are gonna do it again once we get home from Maine. My body wants to feel clean again after all these holiday sweets. :P

    Also, I love the Yoga Booty Ballet DVD's that you lent us! There pretty hilarious, but they're also really fun. Michelle and I are the only ones brave enough to do them though. Everyone else thinks they're too embarrassing.

  3. they're TOTALLY embarassing and that's why i LOVE them. i just did the go go one and the bollywood one. if you want we can share and rotate them - i'm always in annapolis!

  4. Oh that would be awesome! I love the burlesque one, but I've basically got it memorized now! Are the other ones as much fun?

  5. yes! every single one is fun! i actually WANT to do them.
